Buy Well
Size the area to be painted correctly. It is important to know the length and height of the walls to be painted and to remove the area of doors and windows. Use our available calculator for all products to determine the amount of paint required.

Reuse Better
A package of paint that has never been opened can last for years. If a small amount of paint is left over, use it, for example, to paint a detail on another wall. When you have finished painting, you can save the paint for future use, but you will need to make sure that the packaging is tightly closed so that the paint does not deteriorate quickly. However, even in a well-sealed package, the pain will eventually deteriorate after several months. Consider offering the paint to a school or other institution that can make good use of the paint.

Recycle The Packaging
After use, dispose of the empty package correctly (Yellow Ecopoint). If you are a professional / industrial contact an authorised waste management operator. Recycled metal and plastic packaging can gain a new life.