Start by preparing the necessary material, with the stiff-bristled brush being the right tool for this purpose. To prepare the mix, add 1 part VINYLMATT of the desired colour to 3 parts CRAFT EFFECTS EXTENDER and mix well. Prepare all the mixture you will need for the area to be painted. Different mixtures can result in different shades, therefore the effect will not be uniform.

Measure the area to be painted and divide it into sections no larger than 1 m wide to simulate fabric panels. Use smooth masking tape to demarcate each section. A spirit level can be helpful. The mixture is applied by section, and alternately, with the intermediate sections being applied the following day. As the mixture is applied in alternate sections, always place the smooth masking tape to the outer edge of each section to be painted that day.

Transfer the mixture to a paint tray. Dip the anti-drip roller in the paint and drain the excess paint using the ribbed area ofthe paint tray. Apply a generous layer of the mixture across the entire section, from the corner of the ceiling to the base. Test your painting technique and colour combinations on a small area before starting the project.

Starting at the top left corner of the section, drag the stiff-bristled brush from top to bottom in vertical motions, working from left to right. Work quickly so the mixture doesn't dry out, regularly wiping the bristles of the brush with absorbent paper.

Repeat the process in alternate sections. Allow to dry for 24 hrs and apply a generous new layer of the mixture over the entire section.

Starting at the top left corner of the section, drag the stiff-bristled brush from left to right in horizontal motions, working from top to bottom. Work quickly so the mixture doesn't dry out, regularly wiping the bristles of the brush with absorbent paper. Avoid stopping the movement in the middle of the wall so as not to create a discontinuity in the decorative effect. Repeat the process in alternate sections. When finished, and with the paint still fresh, remove the tape from the finished section and seal the remaining mixture in an airtight container. Leave the wall to dry for 24 hrs.

Once dry, repeat the entire process for the remaining sections, until the entire surface to be painted is covered and thus completing the project. Leave to dry for 24 hrs. Don't forget to protect the finished sections with smooth masking tape before repeating the entire process. Assess your work whenever you change section to ensure that the wall looks homogeneous.

For greater durability of the effect, redressing or evening out the sheen, we suggest the application of two coats of CRAFT EFFECTS TOP COAT, a varnish for walls, on top of the finished and dry effect.
Reproduces the lightness of linen, creating a soft illusion of depth.