Lasur Super HD
Interior/exterior high protective satin woodstain
15 m2/L
Drying time
8 - 10h
2 -3x
High performance acrylic woodstain with excellent durability in exterior wooden surfaces. Formulated with an innovative UVPLUS technology, it is highly resistant to solar radiation, it forms a highly waterproof and abrasion resistant layer avoiding the fungi gowth and the early ageing of the wood, enhancing its natural beauty. Available in a clear 11 colour palette.
- High protection: up to 10 years
- Excellent durability
- Bring out the beauty of woodgrain
- Easy application and maintenance
- Quick drying
- Low odour
- Fungi e algae protected paint film

Indoor Air Quality
Classification A+ according to french regulation

Colormix 4G
Outstanding colour range with maximum performance and quality

Up to 10 years of protection
Depending on the type and state of the wood, surface preparation, application and exposure conditions